How Do We Get You More Customers?
Let us be your “word of mouth” advertising!
We introduce new residents to your business even before they walk in your door!
New residents feel “welcomed” by you when they get a personal invitation and recommendation from us to do business with you. New residents typically spend more money in their first year of residence than any other time: setting up their new digs and making their new place a “home.” They need new doctors, furniture, painters, plumbers, hair stylists, mechanics and most importantly, a sense of normalcy and belonging.
We can help you become their new source of comfort when everything around them seems so foreign. Word of mouth advertising has proven to be much more effective than any other advertising medium PLUS it’s a little old fashioned and sweet.
We care and are a friendly face; most of us yearn for human interaction at vulnerable times like this (moving is one of the most stressful!)
Warm Welcomes does all the initial footwork for you and delivers first class results. We design and print coupons, link your name and website to ours and email you monthly reports. There are no contracts; we charge a monthly fee that is both affordable and measurable.
Contact us for a price sheet to be emailed you. Your business grows when you let us be your personal welcome mat!

Why Do This?
New Residents search for new services and we point them in your direction. They feel welcomed by your generosity and will be more inclined to do business with you. We talk about your business, your uniqueness, location, experiences with you; it’s “controlled” word of mouth advertising. After our visit; it’s up to you to pack the most punch by following up with your service and friendliness.
How Do I Join?
A sign up fee of $125 includes design and printing of 500 full color gift certificates. The cost to advertise your business is $5 per visit plus a $11 monthly gift fee. Each month we email a report of the households we visit, so you may follow up by mail, email, or phone call. This is an affordable way to advertise to newcomers and there are no contracts involved.